Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence

Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence:

It sounds esoteric, but Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence is simply the perfect geometry found in nature.  The earth is a geometrical sphere. A snail’s shell is a spiral. bees make hexagonal combs for their honey. It goes much deeper than this, but at the surface level, this is the definition of Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence.

Proportions define Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence. Sacred geometrical shapes found in the natural world follow a perfect proportion that is beyond impressive if it is accidental. There is a theory that lies behind Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence. This theory is that the universe is creating itself according to its own pattern.  World religions have described it as God building according to a geometric plan for the world, but this is just a difference of words.

To put it simply, Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence is the study of the perfect mathematical principles found in nature. However, it seems these principles are utterly inconceivable in a universe built on chance.

Sacred Geometry-The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence

The golden ratio is a phenomenon found in nature. Two quantities are in the golden ratio when they relate to each other in a particular pattern. The golden ratio is 1.618 as a numerical approximation, and it is also represented by the Greek character Φ (phi). The golden ratio appears in the realms of science, art, math, music, design, and even architecture. Something about the golden ratio makes anything that uses it more appealing. The best part? We learned about the golden ratio from observing nature and Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence.

Fibonacci observed a classic example of this harmony in nature. He noticed the mating habits of rabbits followed a symmetrical pattern, and started studying it. He used a hypothetical  situation to create a perfect pattern based off of this symmetry. This pattern is now called the Fibonacci sequence.

Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence are tied together in the world of sacred geometry. Some of the most beautiful and most awe-inspiring things in nature are perfect examples of this relationship.

The flower of life, the perfection of a nautilus shell, The patterns in a sunflower – even the dividing of cells in a growing life form – all of these are examples of Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence in action.

Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence and musical harmony?

Music is based on math. We start a piece of music with one note. For music to sound pleasing to the ear, all of the other notes played will be perfect intervals away from that note. Music sounds out of tune when these intervals are messed up.

In this way, Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence is the root of musical harmony! Music is created by symmetry and self same patterns, just like with fractal animations. If the 12 semitones of the musical staff are arranged in a circle, every harmony, melody, chord, and tune creates a sacred geometrical pattern. Sacred geometry rules music. However, it goes even deeper than that.

Pythagoras created the Pythagorean scale thousands of years ago. It is still used as the root for modern music to this day. He took basic geometric shapes, like triangles, and played the sum of their angles as frequencies. He found that adding an additional side increases the octave of the notes. What is most important is that every shape has a note. So it was possible to create a sound that was the representation of a triangle, a square, and a hexagon. He used these patterns to create perfect harmonies. This is proof that Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence produces musical harmony.

Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence in music?

The one HUGE problem with this system is that we have moved away from the natural tuning of these sacred geometry patterns. Musicians changed the reference tuning of music from the natural frequency 432 hz to the unnatural frequency of 440 hz. Some say it was to try and control the masses and keep us out of sync with nature. That is not what matters in Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence.

What matters is that 432 hz tuning is the natural order of things in the universe. Musical notes and vibrations set to this tuning actually produce noticeable results on the physical plane. The study of cymatics and Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence creates beautiful patterns by playing these natural frequencies into particles of sand and other physical media. And our bodies (and the water in them) are much more susceptible to vibration than sand is. We could realign our body and mind with the order of nature if there was a way to capture these frequencies and use them every day.

This was exactly what we set out to do a few years ago. We spent hundreds of work hours trying to find answers to tough questions. Could Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence produce musical harmony? Do fractals affect our reality? Can we actually tune our DNA to certain frequencies?

The answer is YES with... Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence!

This breakthrough sparked our search for the best way to bring this to the rest of the world.

While researching Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence, we looked into water alkalizers and ionizers and a hundred different ways to restructure water. Dr. Emoto’s messages from water showed us that the easiest way to change our lives was to change the water we use on a daily bases. We are 60-70 percent water, after all.

The answer led to Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence plus the water harmonizer app. We created an easy to use app that produces amazing results by raising the vibration of the water before we drink it. Restructuring water in this way makes it easier to absorb, reduces toxins in the body, and leave you feeling as good as you deserve to feel! It is time to bring harmony back into the natural world. The only way to do this is by first bringing harmony to our own lives.
And we can do this together, one glass at a time.

Download the water harmonizer app today for a free trial. Hundreds of users are experiencing, vibrant, smooth water with every sip. Will you be next?
Sacred Geometry- The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence

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