Global Collective Fears Library | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
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The library was designed to be used on yourself, a client, or the population of the earth. To run it on the earth, create a World Population client, use google images to find a photo of the earth from space, pick today’s date as the birthdate and you can use your voice as a surrogate voice representing the population of the earth by saying something like this: I am using my voice as a surrogate voice to represent the population of the earth who wish to relinquish their collective fear, a,e,I,o,u or you can repeat the phrase again & again for the 15 seconds. I would run the panel all by itself or if you have my Earth Libraries, you might include several appropriate panels from it.
Collective Fears 1 – Global Factors Causing Distress
Collective Fears 2 – Harmonizing Global Collective Fears