Relationship Healing: Bliss of Union| Ariel Policano Libraries | Genius Insight App
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Are you seeking more harmony in your relationships? The Bliss of Union Series can help!
Get ready to be more empowered in your relationships and even in a clearer space for communication. These libraries are based on the concept of "getting the love you really want" and using those skills successfully.
Bliss of Union Activation Program 1 Personal Clearing - Includes frequencies like: clear past hurts, I allow myself to be loved in a healthy and whole way, I am able to be authentic, I am able to communicate my needs, I break the pattern of the past, I forgive others, I now ease into healthy and honest communication, I thrive in a relationship while keeping myself healthy and whole.
Bliss of Union Activation Program 2 Clear Childhood Wounds - Include frequencies like: balance dopamine, balance norepinephrine, harmonize limbic system, I allow myself to be human and others to be human and to be real, I forgive my partner, I let go of childhood wounds that took place between 1 and 3 years old, I now experience it is safe to be vulnerable even though at one time it was not safe to be vulnerable, Integration pain of separation and realize it is illusion, release clinging behavior and heal the wound of neglect, toxic cords from past persons in relationships are now leaving my body, and limbic system alignment and wound release.
Bliss of Union Activation Program 3 Manifestation - Includes frequencies like: allowing perfect timing to rule, building a healthy relationship is worth any and all effort, drawing boundaries and fostering respect is important, experiencing respect within myself and attracting respect from a love, I affirm that I am treasured and accept for all that I am, I am constantly striving to grow the love between my partner and myself, I am loving laughing and enjoying being in a relationship, I let go of all ideas of a relationship needing to be perfect, I release the fear around a lasting love, thriving and enjoying a relationship with complete ease, I am allowing love in my life.
Bliss of Union Activation Program 4 Union and Harmony - Includes frequencies like: Amygdala, cortisol, dopamine, hippocampus, nervous system, norepinephrine, serotonin, rescue remedy, nerve inflammation, temporal lobe, honest communication becomes one of my natural strengths, I am constantly striving to grow the relationship between myself and my partner, I embrace commitment, brain cell energize, brain frontal lobe 6.5 Hz, acetylcholine.