Family Harmony Series (Mother/Father/Son/Daughter)| Ariel Policano Libraries | Genius Insight App
Regular price $197.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $100.00
Do you want to experience more harmony in your family? What if frequency could assist in this process? That is the goal of this library series. This series includes:
Family Harmony 1 - Mother Healing Series - Heal the relationship with mother - and including the mother within all of us. Can be profoundly healing as all relationships will be affected as we heal the mother relationship.
Family Harmony 2 - Father Healing Series - Heal the relationship with father - and this includes the father within all of us. Can be very healing as your relationship with your parents often extends out to the dynamics of all of your other relationships.
Family Harmony 3 - Sibling Healing Series - Dedicated to one's relationship with brothers and sisters. Heal this relationship from within and you may be surprised at the increased communication and harmony that can follow with your actual brother (s) and/or sister (s).