COSMIC ENERGIES LIBRARY | Jane Warkentien | Genius Insight
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If you are feeling more sensitive, emotional, exhausted, tired, anxious, fatigued, intuitive (to name a few) and/or highly charged you may be feeling the effects of the huge spike in the Schumann Resonance and/or Ascension Energies pouring forth onto our beautiful planet. And there are many more symptoms—some positive and some negative that are occurring right now. (Note: The Schumann Resonance resonates usually at 7.83 Hz and now has spiked as high as 92 Hz). The Schumann Resonance affects every living thing on earth and therefore when it peaks, we are suddenly out of alignment/balance with this frequency. This causes us to possibly experience sudden and unexplained bouts of anxiety, irritability, restlessness, inability to sleep deeply and more. Our energy body/electromagnetic field is out of harmony with our planet’s frequency and/or 3D. These energies directly impact our nervous system as our own energetic frequency is lower than the Schumann Resonance. Also, as we are spiritual beings and as our beautiful planet Terra, Mother Earth, goes through the ascension process from 3D to 4D to 5D, many of us are experiencing the Ascension vibration symptoms as our bodies move to higher frequencies. Many of these symptoms are the same as those already listed, but other symptoms have us questioning who we are, our purpose, increase in synchronicities, increase in intuition, dreaming, seeing visions and more. These are very interesting times as we have a front row seat (get some popcorn) and we watch the events of the world unfold as we are moving towards the Golden Age.
Cosmic Energies Library jw
Cosmic Energies 1: Ascension Energies jw 147 line items
Cosmic Energies 2: Schumann Resonance Energies jw 49 line items
Cosmic Energies 3: Lifting Vibration, Raise Conscious Awareness, Ease Symptoms jw 139 Line Items (Note: This panel has many Rife frequencies)