Denise Armenio Custom Panels

Genius Insight
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Hello! My name is Denise Armenio, an Energetic Kinesiologist, Director of Energy and Energy Medicine Practitioner. I am the owner of Optimized Mind & Body, LLC from Greenwich, CT . I am a certified Emotion Code / Body Cody Practitioner and use the Genius Biofeedback App to help people optimize their life, health and happiness by healing their energy body. Most recently, I have included the Genius App into my practice and it has revolutionized my work. I am a mother of four children, and began my journey into energy healing practices in 2008 to help 2 of my children overcome their specific learning disabilities. It is my hope and mission, that everyone gains a better understanding of energy healing practices and the use of frequencies and vibrations to optimize their health and wellbeing.
“Future Medicine will be the medicine of frequencies” -Albert Einstein

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