Apple versus Android Results
Android Vs Apple
If a SCAN is done on both devices the results may not be the same.
Why is that?
Insight Health Apps developed the Voice Analysis component (coding and algorithms) in Android originally and the rest was completed with Apple. Essentially the development process was on both platforms simultaneously. Our calculations, frequencies, and algorithms are the exact same for both Android and IOS however, on occasions we do find a disparity between the results. The only conclusion we are left with is that the voice processing techniques of both Android and IOS are very different. In fact, if you review and compare Genius Android with IOS, you will see some visual differences like charts displayed differently or results displayed differently. This is because the programming code of Android and IOS are different. Basically, in coding, there are some things you can do in Android and not IOS and vice versa.
So Which Device Do I Trust?
Crunching data is never easy. Applying statistical algorithms and mathematical formulas to a new promising field of voice analysis will certainly offer its limitations. Extrapolating data from voice is a complex process and processor dependent. It is natural to assume certain deviations between IOS and Android. Each device has a different processor and when processing data in real time (like a voice recording) these certainly play a role.
How do I remedy this issue?
Maintain hardware consistency by selecting one device system and stick with that as this provides a constant result that you can follow using a standardized algorithm (baseline of testing if you will). Using the same device over a period of time will help you visualize the patterns and results. Changing from one device to the other will offer you limited consistency.
The same can be said with a Blood Pressure Monitor.
Every device will give you different results.
Bio-electrical impedance that measures your body composition and body fat will give very different results based on the devices used as each have a slightly different algorithm. There are always device limitations when translating raw data into real-time algorithms. Another thing to keep in mind is that the Genius, and every other bio-resonance or radionics device, has a limited language of several thousand words or informational patterns. Our bodies, minds, and spirits have trillions or more words in their language. So every resonance is the closest one the subconscious can measure to attempt communication where balance is needed. It cannot be taken literally.
A Similar Analogy- Going to different Holistic Healthcare Practitioners.
Depending on the practitioner’s skill set, they will all give you a different set of answers in terms of what is wrong with you. And they can all be completely different ideas. It does not mean that one is more correct than the other, it means that every practitioner is looking at you through their filtered lens based upon their skill set and expertise. There is an old saying.,.,.. there are many ways to skin a cat and the same can be true for a person’s current state of health. There are many ways to get to the root of the cause. Practitioners will approach it in different ways depending on their skill set and expertise. Ultimately they will end up at the same point. They may just go about it a different way.
Voice Analysis Software is still new and exploratory. One would expect deviations between an Android and an IOS version. When reviewing the Genius Data, the practitioner advancement is based on factoring in the clinical context of the client. We teach our practitioners to never review results by looking at high items to form a “diagnosis” -As we do not diagnose. True diagnosis is based upon a more complex process called Triage. This is where multiple devices are used to verify. This is done because a single stand alone device will always have false positives. The combination of multiple technologies compensate for the false positives.
The Strength and Beauty of the Genius is the ability to monitor your client over a period of time and use this data to track their progress. Taking one specific item result such as a Liver score of 650 and suddenly forming a conclusion that someone has liver disease is bad practice and not using this technology the way it was designed. It is designed to be utilized along side your collected clinical context. After navigating through the various panels of the Genius you would focus on repeated evidence of liver, in this example, and the repetition of other factors like enzymes and emotions related to the liver. In doing this, you are not relying on a single piece of data and forming a conclusion as you are now navigating the Genius and finding multiple factors associated with “liver issues” throughout the Genius. We always warn people about taking a single result and jumping to a magical conclusion. No device in the world has that ability.
Is Genius A Perfect Science?
Is this a perfect science? Absolutely NOT and we certainly make no claims as such. Complementary medicine is still so so new and we are learning new things each and every day. “Real scientists” are only now beginning to verify chakras and meridians. A dear friend of ours Dr. Thornton Streeter has been involved in such research and it is fascinating to see how little we know and yet how much we are learning. The good news- “chakra's & meridians" are now being scientifically validated.
Stepping Into The Same Stream Twice?
The manner in which we run an analysis (as well as other similar technology) is that we are taking a snapshot of the body at a specific point in time. The body is in a constant state of flux, and our measuring process reflects that natural ebb and flow of homeostasis. There is an old saying that you can’t step in the same stream twice… Whether this analogy is accurate or not, what this means to me is that the stream is always moving and we can never “repeat that experience”. The action might be the same, the experience might be similar but it is never the exact same. In the same way, when we use Quantum Biofeedback, we are stepping into the human body at a specific point in time. As we “step into the body” we are experiencing what is going on with them at that point in time. What is important is the ability to stay present at that time and in the case of the “stream” enjoy the experience or in the case of the body “analyze what is happening in that moment”. The human body is being bombarded by trillions of electro magnetic frequencies every second. We absorb what we need and discard what we don’t need. In the same way, when we are balancing the items, the body absorbs what it needs and discards what it doesn’t.
Lie To Me!
Something else to consider is to compare Quantum Biofeedback to the more traditional “Voice Stress Test” or a common “Lie Detector” .
The way a lie detector works is by measuring your physiological response- that initial spike or increase in the physiology.
Let me give you an example as this is where Quantum Biofeedback fits in so well:
I ask you a question that causes your physiology to respond. So as an example you decide to “lie to me”. That decision causes an instant change in your physiology… It causes either your heart rate, skin perspiration and brain wave to have a “spike” and this is what is measured. This is your true reaction or initial spike.
Now if I ask you the same question again, your physiology has already had the “spike” and now your response is more controlled. Therefore this reading would be a false positive. In the same way with Quantum Biofeedback, when we are Testing the individual we are looking for that initial spike… That initial reaction within the body….
Lastly, there is no perfect science out there. For a certain diagnostic to occur, there is normally a barrage of tests that are conducted. There is no MD out there that would make any diagnostic based upon a single result. It is my hope and aim, that individuals will not use this as a “diagnostic tool” but rather view this as a tool that presents certain possibility and probabilities. So often we as practitioners get tunnel vision regarding our analysis of a client. Client A presents symptoms x,y,z therefore we conclude this and therefore follow this advise. Try as we might, we get stuck in our own patterns of analysis, mostly based on our own experiences.
What the Genius should be doing is challenging those patterns, forcing you to think outside of the box. After all, if your initial analysis was correct, all your clients would be in perfect condition yes? Well the issue is that everyone’s body is different. The reason why you have a certain ailment is different to why I have the same ailment… Why? Because our bodies are different. The Genius should be provoking you to think differently. It should be stimulating you to review the data and apply the clinical context of your client. It should be prodding you and forcing you out of your comfort zone. The Genius Insight is a tool and should be regarded as such.
From Probable To Possible To Certain
There is a conceptual idea from Probable to Possible to Certain…What we do with the Genius is to try and filter the data from a wide angled set of different probabilities…. then we apply more data crunching, more panels and try and find what is more possible and then after what is possible we try to become more certain…. We are trying to filter through the vast amounts on data to arrive at a solution in line with the clinical context of the client.
I have also found that Genius and other Quantum users appear to think if something shows up as very high or very low it is a physical problem. Although it might be it, mostly likely is not and a Doctor running medical tests may not have the same findings.
What Does A High Reactivity Mean?
So why would something show up as a high resonance or reactivity? Simplistically it is something that is currently disruptive and has the subconscious paying attention and essentially requesting a helpful informational push towards better balance. It could be many things some of which are:
~ Subconscious is willing to communicate about it.
~ It is something from the past, even in the womb or past lives / past generations that has an interfering presence in the field
~ It is something belonging to someone else who has been in close emotional or bonding contact with the client from past present or future and has left some of their baggage in the field causing interference with present manifestation of health
~ It is something having strong impact on the conscious/subconscious like world events, elections etc
~ It might be a physical issue from the past that was dealt with physically but left a cellular memory resulting in a weakness or susceptibility to recurrence of the same thing or something similar
~ or it could be a susceptibility for something if they are exposed
~ or it could actually be something going on in the physical body currently
and so on
Why is something very low reactivity?
All of the list above except that it possibly has been around longer and the conscious/subconscious has adapted and put it at the bottom of its priorities as new things have surfaced.
People have a tendency to see a high resonance and assume a physical problem exists. Then balance and a few days later rescan and see that high resonance is gone and think the physical problem is gone. In reality it might not have been a physical issue at all but one of the informational things listed above.....and it probably was not the exact resonance indicated but something similar because of the limitation of the number of items the Genius has to test. So when the item disappears on the second scan it might be that the first resonance was not a close enough approximation so a new resonance is being tried or something more important has come up and it is now relegated to the middle of the pack and not relatively important anymore.
So we can't diagnose or treat but we can look for informational pattern resonances that may be causal factors which played a role in setting them on the path for manifesting in the physical that if not corrected, could eventually set them up for future physical issues. By providing balancing patterns we may prevent future issues from manifesting and we help balance causal informational patterns to support the journey towards health.
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